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Covid Questionnaire

April 4, 2021 @ 8:00 am 12:00 pm

    In the interest of your safety and well being, as well as that of the other congregants in regard to COVID-19, certain conditions must be met for admission to in-person service. It is REQUIRED that you answer the following questionnaire, BEFORE ARRIVING AT THE CHURCH, to gain entry for the service.

    1. I have not had two (2) or more of the following symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 DAYS:
    a. Fever
    b. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    c. Chills
    d. Persistent cough
    e. Flu-like symptoms
    f. Diarrhea or intestinal upset
    g. Fatigue
    h. Sore throat
    i. Headache
    j. Muscle pain
    k. Recent loss of taste or smell

    2. I have not been in contact with anyone experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 identified above in the past 14 days.

    3. I have not tested positive for COVID-19; I am not awaiting test results; and I don’t have COVID-19 symptoms that haven’t resolved from a prior positive COVID-19 test.

    4. I agree to immediately notify Chosen Generation Christian Church at 919-353-1211 if I develop two (2) or more symptoms of COVID-19 after attending in-person worship; and I will avoid contact with others and seek appropriate medical attention.

    5. I agree to wear a mask COVERING BOTH MY NOSE AND MOUTH at all times within the church. I will observe social distancing guidelines and I will not hug, shake hands, or otherwise touch those not currently living in my household.

    6. As much as we all enjoy each other’s company, I agree not to congregate with others that are not currently living in my household before or after service.

    7. I acknowledge that even following these good practices does not guarantee that I will not contract COVID-19 at church. By attending, I am agreeing to assume all risk and will not hold Chosen Generation Christian Church liable should I contract COVID-19.

    I can answer ‘YES’ to all of the above questions.

    If you cannot answer ‘YES’ to all of the above questions, we ask you to wait before attending any in-person gatherings at church until you can answer affirmatively to them all. I understand that if I do not comply, I will first be asked to follow the guidelines for the health and wellbeing of all congregants, and then if unwilling to comply, I will be asked to leave the church. Thank you for keeping yourself and others safe by adhering to these guidelines. We look forward to having a safe celebration of the Lord together.